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Riset Perguruan Tinggi Didorong untuk Berorientasi Industri

Menteri Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Muhammad Nasir terus mendorong riset perguruan tinggi agar berorientasi kepada industri. Kampus harus mampu bekerja sama dengan industri di daerah masing-masing untuk mengembangkan riset. Tahun ini, pemerintah menambah alokasi dana riset menjadi sekitar Rp 1,73 triliun. Dana itu naik dibanding anggaran tahun sebelumnya, yang sebesar Rp 1,54 triliun. Sedangkan […]

Industri Farmasi & Kimia Bisa Tumbuh 6% di 2017

Industri Kimia, Tekstil dan Aneka Industri di tahun depan diproyeksikan bisa bertumbuh meski tidak terlalu tinggi. Direktur Jenderal Industri Kimia, Tekstil, dan Aneka Industri (Ditjen IKTA) Achmad Sigit Dwiwahjono memprediksi, sektor kimia dan farmasi bisa tumbuh sekitar 5%-6% di 2017. Adapun industri tekstil sekitar 2%-2,5% sementara sektor aneka industri sekitar 3,5%-4%. “Target pertumbuhan di tahun […]

Homework Help – Is it a Scam?

The only homework help on the internet you might need. Weebly makes it surprisingly simple to develop a highquality site, blog or internet shop. Any distinguishing aid to get a specific subject is given in e-tutoring portals. Our professional newspaper

Exactly what are Values of a Two-Year College or university.

Superior training in this country is rapidly becoming a necessity during the business enterprise team rather than an extravagance. Inside of the earlier the people who experienced a secondary college guidance nonetheless had the chance to fabricate a first-class world for them selves as well as their family members. Those people days are swiftly turning […]